Who am I ?

Who am I ?

Aurore Challamel, "Amayaa", multidisciplinary visual artist.

Trained in communication, graphics, sophrology and individual support with NonViolent Communication (NVC).

Since 2010, I have begun a creative process whose movement is intuitive, free and spontaneous, using the techniques and materials that present themselves to me. I transmit messages with Art and Words.

My artistic process is based on revealing invisible beauty through works. Support the connection to Life and the circulation of Love.

I am inspired by nature, my connections, music, movement, cinematographic works, the atmosphere of a moment of life and my encounters.

I create unique and personalized Cosmic Magic Art that reveal your inner magic and your potential with the work and its activation booklet. I deliver to you the messages of Life.

The magic of Life lies in our ability to see the beauty hidden behind appearances, beyond perceptions and to let ourselves be surprised. This is the power of Love.

I invite you through this website to discover my creations that I design in my workshop in Duingt on the banks of Lake Annecy.


“I create to reveal invisible beauty and sublimate the magic of Life.”